When traveling to new countries you are always interacting with the nature around you. If you pay attention to the nature, you can discover new flowers, birds, plants, fruits, animals, sounds, smells, colors and find things you never even knew existed. For instance, when I traveled to Morocco, I fell in love with the animal I found myself with. Find out what this animal is below!
This past weekend I finally saw a camel in real life in Morocco! There were five big adult camels with two humps on their backs; there were also some babies that were smaller than the adult camels but still taller than me. All of the camels had fur that was an amazing golden color that matched the color of the soft sand at the beach. I touched the camels and they were softer than I expected. The camels also had long curvy necks that let them move their faces in many directions. One of the camels almost ate my hair!
This week I also traveled to a nearby town called Dural in Spain where I saw grapes growing on top of the entrance to the program director's farm house. Yes, I have seen grapes before but never so many 100% natural grapes that looked like purplish clouds above me! They were the most beautiful grapes I have ever seen, and I had to stop to take a picture.