I went to visit Valparaíso for the first time last weekend. I stayed there for three nights and three days. It was very beautiful. The town is known for its hills. In this way it is similar to San Fransico. You have to climb up steep stairs or take an elevator to get to the top of these hills. From there you can see the ocean. The climate here is colder than in Santiago, because Valparaiso is closer to the ocean: water does not retain heat in the smae way as land does, so I had to bring extra clothes to bundle up!
In Valparaíso, I saw a lot of seagulls and street dogs. In Santiago, there are a lot of street dogs, but there are more in Valparaíso—if you can believe it!
I was able to see the Pacific Ocean for the first time in almost a year. The last time I saw this ocean, I was in Costa Rica. I feel very connected to the water, so it is so relaxing to be close to the water again, now.