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On Victoria Street there is even a joke shop that has been around for decades. It has a nose and glasses on its sign just like Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. In Greyfriars Kirkyard, you can spot many graves that are also names of Harry Potter characters, such as Tom Riddle, Mad-Eye Moodie, and McGonagall. From Greyfriars Kirkyard, you can see the school that she based Hogwarts on.  

What did I read this week?:

Most of the museums in Edinburgh are free, so I got to visit a few of them. I went to the National Museum, Writer's Museum and Museum of Childhood. I spent a lot of time reading descriptions and facts at the museums to understand what everything was. For fun, I finished reading "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett. 

What games or sports did I play this week?:

I did not play any sports or games this week. Instead I got my exercise by walking about 25,000 steps a day!

Other news from this week:

It was fun to visit Glasgow, but it was not what I expected. To me, Glasgow was like a mini version of Chicago with it being on a river, full of modern buildings and having a long street full of shops - many of the same ones that I can find in Chicago. There was a Disney store, Lego store and a giant H&M just to name a few. I also did not expect to see Starbucks, McDonald's, KFC, Burger King and Subway everywhere. I felt like I was back in the United States. 
