In Botswana, two common languages are spoken across the entire country. They are English and Setswana. These are considered the official languages - any language that is used nationwide. However, there are dozens of other languages that exist within Botswana. For example, in the Northeast District, SeKalanga is a very commonly spoken language. There are different tribes that live across Botswana. A tribe is a group of people that share a common culture. As you travel throughout Botswana, you will meet people from different tribes who speak different languages. Often these languages are spoken in addition to English and Setswana. So, many people are at least trilingual meaning they can speak three different languages.
In Botswana, the currency is called pula. These bills are called pula and the coins are called thebe. The largest bill is called the 200 pula bill. The other bills are 100 pula, 50 pula, 20 pula and ten pula. The smallest coin is five thebe. The coins include five pula, two pula, one pula, 25 thebe, ten thebe and five thebe.