But I do not always have a lot of free time, since my job is very busy!
I speak Mongolian, English, Chinese and Korean. In Mongolian, hello is Sain baina uu? Hello? In Chinese you say Ni hao. In Korean it is Annyonhaseyu? And of course you know this word in English, already, "hello!"
I do not have any pets, unfortunately.
I am very fortunate to have been able to travel quite a lot. I have been to China, Hong Kong, Macau, South Korea, Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, the Maldives, Germany, the Netherlands, France, and Belgium. I also got my bachelor's degree at a university in Taiwan, and during that time, I took a semester out to study in the U.S.A, at Temple University in Philadelphia.
I work as a finance and foreign contracts specialist at MIAT Mongolian Airlines. This means that I help the company buy new airplanes and also loan their airplanes to other airlines in different countries. It is a really interesting job, and it means I get to travel quite a lot for work.
The world is vast, get out of your comfort zone and do not be afraid to experience new things!