Meeting Helena Bustos

and we go to school together. If there are some special conditions, like rain or snow, or if I´m hurt, then my dad drives me to school. But my school is only a 15-minute walk from my house, so it´s better to walk."

How do you get to school?

Where do you eat lunch? What is your favorite food?:

"I eat lunch back at my house since we don´t have lunch at school. They let us have a snack during our break, but you have to bring your food from home. This snack is at 11:30 a.m. I eat when I get home at 3:20 p.m. My favorite food right now is pasta, I think, but I also like pizza and salad."

What is your favorite food?

What language do you speak at school? How do you say "Hello" in your language?:

"At school, we normally speak Spanish. 'Hello' in Spanish is 'Hola.' We have four hours of English class every week and two hours of French class."

Isn't it amazing that Helena is learning three languages? It is very impressive! Do you want to learn a different language?

What are some common kids' names at your school?:

"The most common names for kids in my school are Sandra, Paula, Marta, María and Ángela. For boys, the most common names are David, Carlos, Rubén, Pablo, Iván and Adrián. But my favorite names are Unai, Dana, Ariadna and Iker."

Do you know anyone with any of these common Spanish names?

What subjects do you study in school, and which one is your favorite?:

"In school, I am studying ten subjects this year: Math, Spanish and Literature, Physics and Chemistry, Biology, Geography and History, Physical Education, French, English, I.C.T. and Technology and Ethical Values. My favorites are Biology, P.E.
