The main language spoken in Paris is French. While people usually do speak English, the French are very proud of their language and prefer if you make your best effort to talk to them in French. Even though I have struggled a little and made mistakes, I have made an effort to give it my best and found that Parisians are generally willing to help you with difficult phrases. Since most people do speak a second language, I instinctively thought it would be English, but was very surprised to learn that Spanish is more common as a second language here. Geographically, it makes sense when you consider that France shares a long border with Spain and the languages are closely related.
In France, the currency used is the euro which is represented by this symbol €. In fact, all 27 countries that are part of the European Union (EU) use the euro. As a traveler, having so many countries using the same currency is very convenient and easy since you don't need to exchange money every time you travel to a new country within the EU, and also considering how many of the EU countries are so close to each other! Fun fact: all of the bills are different sizes and colors!