Our News

What main languages are spoken here?:

The official language of South Korea is Korean. This means that Korean is the most commonly spoken language in Seoul. However, Seoul is a popular tourist city. It is common for locals to speak multiple languages. So far, I have noticed that the most common second languages spoken here are English, Japanese and Chinese. 

What type of money is used here?:

The currency commonly used in Seoul is the Korean Won. KWon may be confusing to understand at first due to the large numbers on the bills. The most common bills are 1,000 Won, 5,000 Won, 10,000 Won, 20,000 Won and 50,000 won. There are also coins that represent 50 Won, 100 Won and 500 Won. The coolest thing about the currency is that the bills each have a different color based on value!

How much does a bottle of water cost?:

Just like in the United States, the price of water in Seoul can vary between different brands and sizes. The average bottle of water can cost anywhere from 950 Won to 2,500 Won. In order to estimate the US Dollar value of Won, I typically divide by 1,000. It is not exactly the same, but it is pretty close to the correct value. Using this method, the average water bottle can cost $0.95 up to $2.50. 

What was the best meal this week?:

I have eaten many different kinds of food this week. It is so difficult to pick a favorite food.
