Royal Azaleas and Magpies!

Even if people don’t believe this old saying, many people in Korea still have good feelings towards magpies and feel happy when they see one. Are there any flowers or birds that make you feel happy when you see them?

Where does it live?:

Royal azaleas are usually found planted along the side of the road or in parks, here. Additionally, they can be seen growing wild in the hills and mountains of Korea. They usually like partially-shady places best. Magpies are found everywhere! They can be seen perched on trees in the woods or on top of streetlights in the city. 

How does it use its environment to survive?:

Royal azaleas, like other flowers, use their roots in order to get nutrients and water from the soil while also keeping the plants firmly situated in the ground. The flowers also get energy by absorbing the sun’s energy which, in turn, they transform into energy that they can use to grow. Magpies eat different insects, berries or even food scraps from humans! They usually build their nests in a tree or bush so that they can most easily hide from predators.

What can harm this creature or plant? Are we worried about it?:

Royal azaleas can be harmed by pollution or by humans changing the soil so that the plants get fewer nutrients. In terms of predators, magpies have to watch out for snakes; however, for the most part, they don't have too many predators. 

Gumi, South Korea
