When visiting the town of Carcassonne, that I mentioned in the previous logbook, I tried my very first European crepe. I very much enjoyed the moment, as the taste was spectacular, and walking around the small town was a dream with that food to savor alongthe way!
I have a video linked below of the crepe making. https://youtube.com/shorts/Ryxd9baoZKI?si=_a6z7gjfkde0UlzL
I tried a crepe, which is similar to a very thin pancake. The man making the crepe spread nutella all over, folded it up and served it to me!
I was in heaven when I tried the crepe. I wanted to try something in the French town and was very surprised at how delicious the taste was. I was expecting something more simple like a pancake, but the dough was slightly sweet, and the Nutella made the whole crepe taste perfect.