Our News

She wrote it in the 1960s about the best way to build and maintain cities to ensure people who live there can be safe and happy. Many of her observations from over 60 years ago are still true today!

What games or sports did I play this week?:

I haven't played many games or sports, but I did watch a Formula 1 race on my iPad last night before bed. Formula 1 is a form of car racing where ten teams of two drivers drive special cars over 200 miles an hour to see who is the fastest over a certain number of laps. These races can be on special racetracks or even on city streets. This weekend was the Monaco Grand Prix in the country of Monaco near France. It's one of the most historic races in the world and was won for the first time by someone who grew up in Monaco. He drives for the Ferrari F1 team and his name is Charles LeClerc.

Other news from this week:

We had so much fun talking to some of you classrooms last week and are so excited to see you all on video calls in the coming days!
