I traveled from Ulaanbaatar to an area in Khentii Province. It was about 208 miles on a paved road to Chinggis, and then another 50 miles on a dirt road. It took about right hours each way.
The farthest I have traveled is to the town of Olgii in Byan-Olgii province, in the very west of Mongolia! It took three days in a car to get there and three days to get back. There wasn't even a road!
I sometimes walked, or I took taxis. A lot of times the traffic is bad, so I get out of the taxi and walk. To go to Khentii, I rode in a big van with eleven other people, including the driver and a guide. That's a lot of people rattling along on a dirt road!
The most interesting place was a big rock in Khentii with some ancient words carved into it. The rock was in the middle of nowhere; all that surrounded it was grass. Legend has it that this is where Chinggis Khan, the great warrior and founder of the Mongol Empire, met his first wife Borte.