Kid's Lives in Italy!

What chores do you have at home?:

"I help my parents with laundry. My job is to help them hang the clothes up and put them away once they are dry. I don't mind helping my parents out with this chore." 

What jobs do your parents have?:

"My mom works in the office and my dad works at a local restaurant." 

What time does school start, and what time do you go home?:

"I go to school at 8 a.m. and get home at around 1 p.m."

How do you get to school? Are you allowed to go to school by yourself?:

"Most of the time, I walk to school with my mom. For now, since I am still young, I am not allowed to go to school by myself yet. I need someone to accompany me for safety." 

Where do you eat lunch? What is your favorite food?:

"I eat lunch at school. The school lunch consists of pasta, a meat dish, vegetables and fruits. My favorite food is the spaghetti carbonara that my mom makes! "

What language do you speak at school? How do you say "Hello" in your language?:

"At school, I mostly speak Italian. However, I have English classes some days, so I learn how to speak English there. Ciao is how you greet people in Italy."

What are some common kids' names at your school?:

"Marco is a very common name, but other common names are Roberto, Francesco and Mario. For girls, some common names are Anna, Rosa and Sara."

What subjects do you study in school, and which one is your favorite?:

"In school, I learn Italian, English, math, science, history, geography, social studies and art.
