Come on, vamanos!

What do you like to do in your free time?:

In my free time, I enjoy hiking to the top of “Huaca la Centinela,” which is an old archeological site in my town. I also enjoy walking to the beach and fishing pier, waiting for dolphins to pass by, or seeing what fish the fishermen catch. I like to bring a book and sit on the benches in the main plaza under the palm trees. I also taught myself how to knit, and enjoy making scarves and hats. With my family and friends, I like to put together puzzles or play board games, I even have the opportunity to teach students American games that don’t exist here in Peru! 

What language(s) do you speak? How do you say "Hello" in your language?:

I speak Spanish while living here in Peru, and speak English with a few of my friends that are also living here and from the United States (like me). All of my work is in Spanish. When I teach in schools to my students, I only speak and have conversations in Spanish. Saying “Hello” in Spanish is easy. We say “Hola." If you want to try something more difficult, I can teach you “Nice to meet you,” which is “Mucho Gusto.” If you want to express, “I hope you have a nice day,” you would say “Espero que tengas un buen dia." The original family I lived with in Peru also spoke an indigenous language called Quechua. They say "Hello" by saying “Allinllachu.

Do you have pets?:

I personally do not have any pets, although I would love a puppy! However, my family has a white fluffy dog named Lyka, and she loves to play. She also can get into trouble a lot! Sometimes when I am drying my clothes, she tries to eat the plants outside.
