Do you like hot and sunny weather? If so, India would be a great place to live for most of the year!
India is unique because its climate varies greatly depending on which part of the country you are in. Much of the country is hot and tropical, but there are also deserts in the western part of the country that can be dry and hot, and glaciers (large bodies of ice that don’t melt) in the northern part of the country near the mountains that can be very cold. Northern India is home to a part of the Himalayan Mountain ranges, which are the highest and biggest mountain ranges in the world.
Another reason the climate and weather of India are special is because the seasons are different. India has three main seasons: summer, winter, and monsoon. Some people say there is a fourth season called the post monsoon season, which is the transition from monsoon to winter. The monsoon season is very rainy. It rains almost every day during mansoon season. India gets most of its rain during the mansoon season. Other than the monsoon season, the weather can be very pleasant. This is true for Bangalore, the city where I am currently living. It is warm but not too hot, and it rarely rains here.