I had the chance to interview my host parent’s nephew and niece. They were both born in Granada, Spain. Most of the questions are answered by Jose since he is older, and they were translated into English since he is still learning English. Despite having some universal similarities, kids all over the world grow up differently, with different responsibilities and different school experiences. I will let you decide after reading my article how the lives of Jose and Daniela are different from yours when you were growing up.
“For breakfast, I usually eat a magdalena (muffin) and milk with cacao (chocolate). I eat lunch here at my grandma's house, and I eat dinner with my parents at home”.
In Spain, they eat a light breakfast. In the United States, the typical breakfast consists of pancakes, eggs, bacon, or sausage: or in other words, a much bigger breakfast!
“I have a dog named Coco”.
It is common for families in Spain to live in pisos (apartments) rather than in houses, which are super common in the United States. For example, all my family members own houses, but I have not met anyone in Granada who owns a house. Rather, people here own or rent their apartments.