Bryndzove halušky has quickly become one of my favorite foods here in Slovakia. Many locals here are surprised that I enjoy it because I am a foreigner. While I was hesitant to try it in the beginning, I am so glad that I did.
The food that I tried was bryndzove halušky (brind-zo-vey haul-loosh-key). It is potato dumplings (halušky) topped with creamy bryndza cheese (sheep's cheese) and a small amount of bacon. This is typically eaten for lunch, which is the main meal of the day. People sometimes eat it for dinner too.
I was a little nervous to try it. I am from Wisconsin, the cheese loving state, but I had never had anything made from sheep's cheese before. When I tried it for the first time, the locals I was with kept telling me, "You will either love it or hate it. There is no in-between for foreigners." That made me a little more hesitant to try because they were telling me that there was a strong chance I would hate what I was about to eat.
Luckily for me though, I loved it. It was the perfect blend of creamy and chewy. The cheese was evenly mixed across each small dumpling, which made for just the right amount of cheese taste that was not overpowering. I eat it often now. Also, there is a clear difference in taste between bryndzove halušky from a restaraunt and homemade brynzdove halušky.