To give you an idea of how different students experience growing up in Slovakia, I decided to have one of my classes answer these questions. The quotes are from eleven diffferent 7th grade students, so you can see a few different perspectives on growing up in Slovakia. They also have some questions for you, that they would love for you to answer when we Skype next.
"For dinner I eat bread or salad.” - Student D
"For lunch I eat many foods, like roasted cheese.” - Student H
"For breakfast I eat ham and eggs. It’s my favorite food.” - Student K
"I live in a flat (apartment). The flat has three rooms, one kitchen and a bathroom. I share my room with my sister.” - Student B
"I vacuum and clear the table. Sometimes I prepare breakfast.” - Student F
"My father works at a bank and my mom has a job in hospital.” - Student I
My school start at 8:00. I go home at 13:45 (1:45pm).” - Student G