There are pros and cons to living in every environment. Košice is surrounded by mountains, which makes for a beautiful landscape. It also means that people have to adapt to the positives and negatives of the landscape. While mountains encourage beautiful nature-based activities, they also bring cold weather.
Košice is located in a basin. A basin means that what is in the middle is surrounded by higher elevations. The surrounding higher eleveations here are the Slovensky Kras Mountains. You can see them from almost anywhere in the city!
A basin typically contains many rivers or lakes, which help the soil to be rich with nutrients. This rich soil helps people in Košice to grow a lot of crops. People can also use the river for fishing. The nearby mountains provide a great place to stay physically fit because they are perfect for hiking and skiing.
One of the challenges that people face living in this environment are the cold winters. The weather here is similar to that in the Midwestern United States. While people are used to cold weather near the mountains, the challenge is that many old buildings are not heated.