Communities - Košice and Lunik IX

These buildings are now heavily destroyed, and many are being torn down for health/safety concerns.Tearing down the apartments then leaves the families homeless. The Slovaks in Košice have watched what has happened to the buildings and the money they have invested into them. It has contributed to a greater amount of tension between the two groups. Slovaks in Košice do not have the opportunity to see as much of a positive view of the Romani here as they do in small towns and villages where my friend Hannah is. This leads to more discrimination in housing, employment, and education, which continues the problem. Košice has this problem because After seeing what happened with Lunik IX, many people are cautious of helping this minority group. Government leaders are also placed in a tough position because they cannot get a lot of support from many voters to invest tax dollars into more housing and Romani assistance programs. 

Is this need being met? How?:

There are some groups that are trying to help meet the needs of the Roma population. ETP Slovakia is trying to build new apartments, at least twelve new family homes, and community spaces in Lunik IX. The plan is for the building to be done by Romani people to provide them with employment. It is not an immediate solution, but rather will take between ten and fifty years to complete ( Additionally organizations, such as Savio, run camps for children in Lunik IX. Religious organizations try to support the Roma population with donations and volunteers.
